11 research outputs found

    Complex Logical Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models

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    Reasoning over knowledge graphs (KGs) is a challenging task that requires a deep understanding of the complex relationships between entities and the underlying logic of their relations. Current approaches rely on learning geometries to embed entities in vector space for logical query operations, but they suffer from subpar performance on complex queries and dataset-specific representations. In this paper, we propose a novel decoupled approach, Language-guided Abstract Reasoning over Knowledge graphs (LARK), that formulates complex KG reasoning as a combination of contextual KG search and abstract logical query reasoning, to leverage the strengths of graph extraction algorithms and large language models (LLM), respectively. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art KG reasoning methods on standard benchmark datasets across several logical query constructs, with significant performance gain for queries of higher complexity. Furthermore, we show that the performance of our approach improves proportionally to the increase in size of the underlying LLM, enabling the integration of the latest advancements in LLMs for logical reasoning over KGs. Our work presents a new direction for addressing the challenges of complex KG reasoning and paves the way for future research in this area.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/Akirato/LLM-KG-Reasonin

    Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks at Scale: A Meta Learning Approach

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    The progress in hyperbolic neural networks (HNNs) research is hindered by their absence of inductive bias mechanisms, which are essential for generalizing to new tasks and facilitating scalable learning over large datasets. In this paper, we aim to alleviate these issues by learning generalizable inductive biases from the nodes' local subgraph and transfer them for faster learning over new subgraphs with a disjoint set of nodes, edges, and labels in a few-shot setting. We introduce a novel method, Hyperbolic GRAph Meta Learner (H-GRAM), that, for the tasks of node classification and link prediction, learns transferable information from a set of support local subgraphs in the form of hyperbolic meta gradients and label hyperbolic protonets to enable faster learning over a query set of new tasks dealing with disjoint subgraphs. Furthermore, we show that an extension of our meta-learning framework also mitigates the scalability challenges seen in HNNs faced by existing approaches. Our comparative analysis shows that H-GRAM effectively learns and transfers information in multiple challenging few-shot settings compared to other state-of-the-art baselines. Additionally, we demonstrate that, unlike standard HNNs, our approach is able to scale over large graph datasets and improve performance over its Euclidean counterparts.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2023. 14 pages of main paper, 5 pages of supplementar

    A Unification Framework for Euclidean and Hyperbolic Graph Neural Networks

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    Hyperbolic neural networks are able to capture the inherent hierarchy of graph datasets, and consequently a powerful choice of GNNs. However, they entangle multiple incongruent (gyro-)vector spaces within a layer, which makes them limited in terms of generalization and scalability. In this work, we propose to use Poincar\'e disk model as our search space, and apply all approximations on the disk (as if the disk is a tangent space derived from the origin), and thus getting rid of all inter-space transformations. Such an approach enables us to propose a hyperbolic normalization layer, and to further simplify the entire hyperbolic model to a Euclidean model cascaded with our hyperbolic normalization layer. We applied our proposed nonlinear hyperbolic normalization to the current state-of-the-art homogeneous and multi-relational graph networks. We demonstrate that not only does the model leverage the power of Euclidean networks such as interpretability and efficient execution of various model components, but also it outperforms both Euclidean and hyperbolic counterparts in our benchmarks

    Twitter corpus of Resource-Scarce Languages for Sentiment Analysis and Multilingual Emoji Prediction

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    This dataset is created by leveraging the social media platforms such as twitter for developing corpus across multiple languages. The corpus creation methodology is applicable for resource-scarce languages provided the speakers of that particular language are active users on social media platforms. We present an approach to extract social media microblogs such as tweets (Twitter). We created corpus for multilingual sentiment analysis and emoji prediction in Hindi, Bengali and Telugu. Further, we perform and analyze multiple NLP tasks utilizing the corpus to get interesting observations